Alternative dispute resolution
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Alternative dispute resolution

The Consumer Dispute Arbitration Centre of the Algarve is an extrajudiccial means of resoliution of consumer conflicts that allows consumers and businesses to resolve consumer disputes that affect their relationships, through a quick, simple and low-cost procedure.


Pursuant to Law 144/2015 of the September, M Dream Property provides all the information necessary for the consumer customer to exercise the right of complaint with CIMAAL, which is a third party involved, being totally impacial, helping the consumer customer to solve the information in question.


For more information, the consumer customer may use the alternative dispute resolution entity through the following entity:


CIMAAL - Algarve Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Centre

Address: Edf. Ninho de Empresas, Estrada da Penha, 8005-131 Faro
